See below for an english langage version with full skills.

Court résumé du curriculum vitae de Rémi Losno

Professeur de Chimie à l'Université de Paris

Je suis devenu spécialiste du cycle des métaux et des métalloïdes dans l'atmosphère et à ses interfaces. J'ai très vite compris que pour obtenir des résultats dans cette recherche, il fallait maîtriser le prélèvement et l'analyse des traces et ultra-traces. J'ai donc passé beaucoup de temps et développé beaucoup d'effort pour assurer à la réflexion scientifique des bases inattaquables à propos de la réalité des données observées.


Les conditions matérielles de travail constituent un point incontournable pour assurer la réussite des recherches dans ce domaine, et dans un contexte global il faut bénéficier de l'environnement de travail parmi le plus performant au niveau mondial. Je me suis attaché à construire un outil d'analyse élémentaire de traces minérale toujours à la pointe des possibilités technologiques du moment. Nous avons été parmi les premier dans les années 1990 à construire des salles blanches pour la chimie et à y placer des instruments d'analyse comme une absorption atomique et une chromatographie ionique au début, suivi d'une ICP-AES, puis d'une ICP-MS HR. Ce travail de fondation m'a permis de produire beaucoup de résultats scientifiques reconnus dans la chimie environnementale impliquant des métaux et des métalloïdes, mais aussi en chimie analytique. J'ai séparé mes études en deux grands axes, le premier concerne la chimie des poussières d'origine continentale et son impact sur les océans et les surfaces continentales, le deuxième concerne la pollution anthropique et son extension spatiale et temporelle.


Je consacre la moitié de mon temps à la transmission du savoir auprès de mes étudiants dans les formations de l'Université et je réserve un peu de ce temps à animer, organiser et réaliser des formations à destinations de tous les acteurs de la chimie analytique minérale.


Activités pédagogiques

Mon activité d’enseignement a débuté à Paris7 en 1991 puis s’est rapidement déplacée à l’Université nouvelle de Marne-la-Vallée où nous avons monté à partir de rien avec mes 2 collègues (J.J. Aaron et M. Oturan) l’enseignement de Chimie de premier cycle. Puis j'ai participé à la mise en place de la maîtrise de Chimie Physique et enfin du DESS PQE (Procédés pour la qualité de l'environnement) en prenant en charge les enseignements de chimie minérale, de chimie de l'environnement et de chimie analytique inorganique. J’ai exercé mes activités pédagogiques à Marne la Vallée jusqu’en 2005 à tous les niveaux en restant impliqué dans les premières années de licence. A mon arrivée à Paris 7 (depuis Paris Diderot), j'ai repris des enseignements existants en L1, L3 M1 et M2 et j'ai créé un module spécifique de chimie minérale pour la filière SPE (Sciences pour l'Enseignement). En 2012 j'ai participé à la refondation du master de Chimie en prenant la responsabilité d'organisation d'une option majeure du M2: chimie analytique pour l'environnement (12 ECTS) et de 8 ECTS d'enseignement de la chimie analytique pour l'environnement en M1. Ce master s'inscrit dans la logique de la fusion de Paris Descartes et Paris Diderot fondant l'Université de Paris. Il est maintenant le Master de Chimie de l'Université de Paris.


J'ai été co-fondateur en 2010 de la licence professionnelle LiPac (caractérisation chimique des matériaux) dans laquelle j'ai créé 3 modules pour 18 ECTS et dont je continue à en assurer la responsabilité pour 2 d"entre eux. L'enseignement que j'exerce à plein temps occupe une part importante de mon activité dans les différentes formations de l'UFR de Chimie de l'Université de Paris. J'ai participé jusqu'en 2011 au master Pro SGE (Air Pro). Je consacre une partie importante de mon temps à l'encadrement d'étudiants de master, de thèse, de post-doc, d'ingénieurs et aussi de L3 en ne dépassant pas 2 stagiaires par an.


English version

1 Rémi Losno, Summary :


1.1 Highlights:

Research topics: Environmental chemistry, analytical chemistry of traces, analytical chemistry of complex environments.

Teaching: Mineral chemistry, general chemistry, analytical chemistry, environment.

Main research works:

  • Fluxes measurement (chemical species) of atmospheric deposition on continents (Europe, Mediterranean, Africa, Americas) and oceans (Mediterranean, Southern Ocean). First flux measurements ever made in the sub-Antarctic zone and demonstration of methodological flaws in previous estimates.
  • Measurement of the chemical composition of the aerosol emission by Patagonia.
  • Solubility of metals and metalloids in atmospheric aerosols, impact on cloud chemistry, effect on micronutrient input to marine and continental biogeochemistry.
  • Study of the spatial and temporal variability of anthropogenic pollution, including the ancient world, using metals and isotopes of lead as tracers.
  • Technical inventions of atmospheric fallout and aerosol collection devices in a very remote environment in order to determine their chemical properties.


1.2 Short summary of positions

After a year as an associate professor of Physics and Chemistry at Drancy High School, I obtained a lecturer position in 1991 at the University of Marne la Vallée and after becomes full Professor at Paris Diderot in 2005. I began my career as a researcher in 1986 by doing a thesis at the Laboratory of Natural Environment Mineral Chemistry (University Paris 7) which was merged in 1988 in the Physico-Chemistry Laboratory of the Atmosphere (Paris 7). I then participated in the evolution of this laboratory in its operation of association with 3 laboratories of the University Paris 12 to found the Interuniversity Laboratory of Atmospheric Systems (LISA) which was associated with the CNRS as UMR and still exists today. Since 2014, I left LISA to join the team of water geochemistry (LGE) at the IPGP (UMR CNRS 7154) which I took the direction in 2016.

I am today Dean of the Chemistry Department of the Université de Paris.


1.3 Titles:

  • PhD at Université PARIS 7: Chimie d'éléments minéraux en trace dans les pluies méditerranéennes, 24th may 1989. Comeetee composition : Pr. G. Mouvier, G. Bergametti (Rapporteur, CNRS), P. Buat-Ménard (Rapporteur, CNRS), Pr. B. BIGOT (Examinateur, Professeur à l'École Normale Supérieure de Lyon), R. Delmas (Examinateur, CNRS), Pr. T.D. Jickells (Examinateur, Professeur à l'Université d'East-Anglia, UK).
  • Habilitation à diriger les recherches: Le cycle atmosphérique des métaux et d'autres éléments chimiques, 29th novembre 2002 at Université Paris 7 in front of: Pr. P.Rosmus (Université de Marne la Vallée, LCT), Président, Pr. J. L. Colin (Université Paris 7, LISA), Dr. O. F. X. Donnard (Université de Pau, LCBIA), Dr. M. Legrand (Université de Grenoble, LGGE) et Dr. C. Migon (Université Paris 6, LOV).


2 Scientific activities:

2.1 Quick look

My research activities are mainly focused around the oceanic and continental interfaces of the atmosphere, where I work on the cycle of metals and metalloids, their flows and their origins. So I am an inverted geochemist compared to my earth science colleagues in the sense that my main skill is in chemistry. I focus in particular on transition metals and now on rare earths and their impact on the atmosphere and continental and oceanic ecosystems. This last point is perfectly in line with the SOLAS international action ( which I represent for France. Transition metals are well known to act as catalysts and they are well known in atmospheric oxidation-reduction reactions. They are also essential nutrients for ecosystems, and when they are present in excess they become poisons. These same elements enriched by human activities trace the current pollution and make it possible to quantify past human activities when they are found in old deposits. These interdisciplinary lines of research summarized in the term "biogeochemistry" for the environmental aspect and "archeometry" for the human aspect have a real need for chemists to be able to progress effectively. Recently, I am particularly interested in rare earths whose chemistry is poorly known in the environment and in particular their integration into the biosphere.

I am currently conducting two field research programs on the flow, composition and physical and chemical properties of mineral dust on the one hand in the Southern Hemisphere in the Southern Ocean and on the other hand in the Caribbean arc. . I bring my expertise to numerous archeology projects and even to disciplinary chemistry work requiring an analytical or environmental component.

Thanks to photosynthesis of phytoplankton, the Southern Ocean contributes a lot to the elimination of excess atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels and deforestation and therefore exerts a strong action on the Earth's climate. Very small quantities of atmospheric mineral dust, of the order of one microgram per square meter per day, are sufficient to feed the plankton with micronutrients essential for its growth and thus for the transformation of carbon dioxide into organic carbon and into oxygen. Chemistry makes it possible to quantify the quantities of material assimilated by the marine biosphere by measuring on the one hand the gross composition of the atmospheric deposition flux and on the other hand by separating from this flow the bioavailable part, which is only useful for the growth of phytoplankton. Since 2007, I have benefited from the support of two successive programs, the first, FLATOCOA, supported by the IPEV (Paul Emile Victor Institute) allowed me to work in the middle of the South Indian Ocean (Archipelago Kerguelen) to characterize the deposition flux of these micronutrients ([44, 47, 51]); the second "Dust From Patagonia", supported by INSU (CNRS) allowed me to work in Patagonia, which is an important source of these dust emitted by wind erosion of soils. Most of the essential field experiments, including the collection of samples, have been carried out and my job now is to coordinate with my fellow modelers the exploitation of these acquired data and the laboratory to continue the determination of the chemical properties. samples harvested ([65], [71]).

The situation on the Caribbean arc is distinctly different with considerably larger quantities of dust of Saharan origin which are deposited annually per unit area, these dusts are of course feeding the entire Atlantic Ocean but also the continental ecosystems of the Caribbean islands and American rainforests including the huge Amazon rainforest. My work consists of quantifying these flows over the long term by atmospheric sampling but also the extraction of chemical signals recorded in the soil and the lacustrine and marine sediments.

In order to be always at the best level and innovative, my research activities lead me to follow very closely and to accompany the technology and the analytical instrumentation to develop methods adapted to the resolution of the problems posed by our work in the field. environment. Analytical chemistry is the solid foundation essential to any discourse of chemistry in the environment that collapses like a castle of card as soon as doubts appear on the quality of the measurements. I must redouble my efforts to find the means to acquire the instruments of the highest possible technological level and to use and develop chemometric tools that ensure both the quality of the measurements and their interpretation in the field. context of geochemistry.

My work will continue to be dominated by the chemistry of metals and the implications of this chemistry on the impact of these metals at the interface between the atmosphere and the soil or the sea.

2.2 Expertises

  • Evaluation of science proposal for regional councils, CNRS (INSU), ANSES, NWO....
  • Private expertises (EDF, Eurofins, Rhodia, Sanofi, ...)

2.3 Vulgarisation

  • Traduction d'un glossaire de chimie dans le cadre d'une encyclopédie éditée par France Loisirs (1990).
  • Traduction du volume "La Chimie" de la Nouvelle Encyclopédie des Sciences éditée par France-Loisir (1997).
  • Plus de trois milles ans de métallurgie sur le site Eduen de Bibracte (Morvan) : conséquences historiques et environnementales (2005). Publications de l'Université de Bourgogne. Fabrice Monna, Christophe Petit, Jean-Paul Guillaumet, Calin-Gabriel Tamas, Isabelle Jouffroy-Bapicot, Hervé Richard, Janusz Dominik et Rémi Losno.
  • Movie "Dust From Patagonia #2",


3 Teaching overview

My teaching activity started in Paris7 in 1991 and then moved quickly to the new University of Marne-la-Vallée where we rose from scratch with my 2 colleagues (JJ Aaron and M. Oturan). Undergraduate Chemistry teaching. Then I participated in the establishment of the Master of Physical Chemistry and finally the DESS PQE (Processes for the quality of the environment) by taking charge of the teaching of mineral chemistry, environmental chemistry and chemistry inorganic analytics. I exercised my teaching activities in Marne la Vallée until 2005 at all levels remaining involved in the first years of license. When I arrived in Paris 7 (from Paris Diderot), I took existing courses in L1, L3 M1 and M2 and I created a specific module of mineral chemistry for the SPE (Science for Education) sector. Since 2012 I participated in the refoundation of the Master of Chemistry taking the responsibility of organizing a major option of M2: analytical chemistry for the environment (12 ECTS) and 8 ECTS teaching of analytical chemistry for the environment in M1. This master is part of a logic of rapprochement Paris Descartes - Paris Diderot within the USPC framework and now the Université de Paris..

Since 2010, I am co-founder of the professional license LiPac (chemical characterization of materials) in which I created 3 modules for 18 ECTS and of which I continue to take responsibility for 2 of them. I work full time occupies an important part of my activity in the various formations of the UFR of Chemistry of Paris7 Denis Diderot.I participated until 2011 in the Master Pro SGE (Air Pro) .I devote an important part my time supervising master's, thesis, post-doc, engineering and L3 students by not exceeding 2 trainees per year The summary of my recent teaching activities is summarized in Table 1 Since taking office at the direction of the UFR, I had to slow down my teaching activity a little and get rid of my responsibilities in the Chemistry Master.


A.1 Recent publications ~5 years (22)

Most recent publications (from 2014) in peer-reviewed journals, the rest of the list is given later


[7] Xu-Yang, Y., Losno, R., Monna, F., Rajot, J.-L., Labiadh, M., Bergametti, G., Marticorena, B.: Compositional data analysis (CoDA) as a tool to evaluate a new low-cost settling-based \chemPM_10 sampling head in a desert dust source region , Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14(12), 7657–7680, 2021 Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 7657–7680, 2021,

[78] Wong, M. Y., Rathod, S. D., Marino, R., Li, L., Howarth, R. W., Alastuey, A., ... R. Losno, et al. (2021). Anthropogenic perturbations to the atmospheric molybdenum cycle. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 35, e2020GB006787.


[77] Qu, Z., Trabelsi, A., Losno, R., Monna, F., Nowak, S., Masmoudi, M., & Quisefit, J.-P. (2020). A laboratory dust generator applying vibration to soil sample: Mineralogical study and compositional analyses. Journal Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD032224.


[76] KM Mbemba, S Djanarthany, R Losno, S Ory, F Jomard, M Madon (2019), Static Leaching and Alteration Mechanisms of Zirconium Alkali Resistant Glasses Containing Heavy Metals, Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 1-18. doi:10.9734/cjast/2019/v38i330361

[75] Eva Mazarío, Jérémy Stemper, Ahmed Sami Helal, Alvaro Mayoral, Philippe Decorse, Rémi Losno, Claude Lion, Souad Ammar, Thierry Le Gall, Miryana Hemadi (2019), New Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Catechol-Grafted with Bis (amidoxime) s for Uranium (VI) Depletion of Aqueous Solution, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, 8, 4911-4919.


[74] Marques Junior, N Aguinaldo, Douglas P Panetto, Fernando Lamego, Felipe O Nepomuceno, Fabrice Monna, Remi Losno, Rodrigue Guillon (2018), Tracking atmospheric dispersion of metals in Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan region (Brazil) with epiphytes as bioindicators, Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2991-3005.

[73]  Camille Pasquet, Fabrice Monna, Folkert van Oort, Peggy Gunkel-Grillon, Christine Laporte-Magoni, Rémi Losno, Carmela Chateau (2018), Mobility of Ni, Co, and Mn in ultramafic mining soils of New Caledonia, assessed by kinetic EDTA extractions, Environmental monitoring and assessment, 190 (11), 638. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-018-7029-0.

[72] R Khondoker, D Weiss, T van de Flierdt, M Rehkämper, K Kreissig, BJ Coles, S Strekopytov, E Humphreys-Williams, S Dong, A Bory, V Bout-Roumazeilles, P Smichowski, P Cid-Agüero, M Babinski, R Losno, F Monna (2018), New constraints on elemental and Pb and Nd isotope compositions of South American and Southern African aerosol sources to the South Atlantic Ocean, Chemie der Erde, 78 (3), 372-384. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemer.2018.05.001

[71] Estelle Camizuli, Renaud Scheifler, Stéphane Garnier, Fabrice Monna, Rémi Losno, Claude Gourault, Gilles Hamm, Caroline Lachiche, Guillaume Delivet, Carmela Chateau, Paul Alibert (2018), Trace metals from historical mining sites and past metallurgical activity remain bioavailable to wildlife today, Scientific reports, 8 (1), n°3436. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-20983-0

[70] Daniela Varrica, Gaetano Dongarrà, MG Alaimo, Fabrice Monna, Remi Losno, Emanuele Sanna, Giovanni De Giudici, Elisa Tamburo (2018), Lead isotopic fingerprint in human scalp hair: The case study of Iglesias mining district (Sardinia, Italy), Science of the Total Environment, 613, 456-461.

[69] AS Helal, E Mazario, A Mayoral, P Decorse, R Losno, C Lion, S Ammar, M Hémadi (2018), Highly efficient and selective extraction of uranium from aqueous solution using a magnetic device: succinyl-β-cyclodextrin-APTES@ maghemite nanoparticles, Environmental Science: Nano, 5 (1), 158-168.


[68] Fabrice Monna, AN Marques, Rodrigue Guillon, R Losno, Sébastien Couette, Nicolas Navarro, G Dongarra, E Tamburo, D Varrica, Carmela Chateau, FO Nepomuceno (2017), Perturbation vectors to evaluate air quality using lichens and bromeliads: a Brazilian case study, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189:566. DOI:

[67] Yinghe Fu, Karine Desboeufs, Julie Vincent, Elisabeth Bon Nguyen, Laurent Benoit, Remi Losno, François Dulac (2017), Estimating chemical composition of atmospheric deposition fluxes from mineral insoluble particles deposition collected in the western Mediterranean region, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 4389. PDF

[66] Aurélie Verney-Carron, Loryelle Sessegolo, Mandana Saheb, Nathalie Valle, Patrick Ausset, Rémi Losno, Denis Mangin, Tiziana Lombardo, Anne Chabas, Claudine Loisel (2017), Understanding the mechanisms of Si–K–Ca glass alteration using silicon isotopes, GeoChem. CosmoChem. Acta, 203>, 404-421.

[65] Molly B Smith, Natalie M Mahowald, Samuel Albani, Aaron Perry, Remi Losno, Zihan Qu, Beatrice Marticorena, David A Ridley, Colette L Heald (2017), Sensitivity of the interannual variability of mineral aerosol simulations to meteorological forcing dataset, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17-5, 3253-3278. PDF.

[64] Ahmed Sami Helal, Eva Mazarío, Alvaro Mayoral, Philippe Decorse, Claude Lion, Rémi Losno, Souad Ammar, Miryana Hémadi (2017), Highly efficient and selective extraction of uranium from aqueous solution by a magnetic device: succinyl-β-cyclodextrin-APTES@ maghemite nanoparticles, Environmental Science: Nano, DOI: 10.1039/C7EN00902J

[63] Eva Mazarío, Ahmed S Helal, Jeremy Stemper, Alvaro Mayoral, Philippe Decorse, Alexandre Chevillot-Biraud, Sophie Novak, Christian Perruchot, Claude Lion, Rémi Losno, Thierry Le Gall, Souad Ammar, Jean-Michel El Hage Chahine, Miryana Hémadi, (2017), Maghemite nanoparticles bearing di (amidoxime) groups for the extraction of uranium from wastewaters, AIP Advances, 7, 5, 056702. DOI:

A.2 International peer-reviewed publications (51 before 2014)

[1] Losno R., G. Bergametti and G. Mouvier; Determination of optima conditions for atmospheric aerosols analyses by X-Ray fluorescence., Envir. Tech. Letters, 8, 77-87, 1987.

[2] Losno R., Bergametti G. and Buat-Ménard P.; Zinc partitioning in Mediterranean rainwater, Geophys. Res. Lett., 15, 1389-1392, 1988.

[3] Bergametti G., Dutot A.L., Buat-Ménard P., Losno R. and Remoudaki E.; Seasonal variability of the elemental composition of atmospheric aerosol particles over the Northwestern Mediterranean., Tellus, 41B, 353-351, 1989.

[4] Losno R., Bergametti G., Carlier P. et Mouvier G.; Major ions in marine rainwater with attention to sources of alkaline and acidic species., Atmos. Environ. 25A, 763-770, 1991.

[5] Tedesco D., Toutain J.P., Allard P. and Losno R.; Chemical variations in fumarolic gases at Vulcano Island (Southern Italy): seasonal and volcanic effects., J. of Volcanology and Geothermal Res., 45, 325-334, 1991.

[6] Remoudaki E., Bergametti G. and Losno R.; On the dynamic of the atmospheric input of copper and manganese into the Western Mediterranean Sea., Atmos. Environ. 25A, 733-744, 1991.

[7] Losno R., Bergametti G. et Carlier P.; Origin of the atmospheric particulate matter over the North-Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. J. of Atmos. Chem., 15, 333-352, 1992.

[8] Bergametti G., Remoudaki E., Losno R., Steiner E., Chatenet B. et Buat- Ménard P.; Source, transport and deposition of atmospheric phosphorus over the Northwestern Mediterranean. J. of Atmos. Chem., 14, 501-513, 1992.

[9] Losno R., Colin J.L., Le Bris N., Bergametti G., Jickells T. et Lim B.; Aluminium solubility in rainwater and molten snow. J. of Atmos. Chem., 17, 29-43, 1993.

[10] B. Lim, R. Losno, T.D. Jickells and J.L. Colin; The solubilities of aluminium, lead, copper and zinc in rain samples in the marine environment over the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediteranean Sea. , Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 8, 349-362, 1994.

[11] Quisefit J.P., Garivait S., Losno R. and Steiner E.; X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry to characterise the chemical composition of ashes produced by the burning of savannah grasses., The Nucleus., 32, 135-142, 1995.

[12] François F., W. Maenhaut, J.L. Colin, R. Losno, M. Schulz, T. Haster, L. Spokes and T. Jickells; Intercomparison of elemental concentrations in total and size-fractionated aerosol samples collected during the Mace Head experiment, April 1991. Atmos. Environ., 27, 837-849, 1995.

[13] Losno R., Colin J.L., Spokes L., Jickells T., Schulz M., Reberts A., Leermakers M., Meulemann C. and Bayens W.; Non-rain deposition significantly modifies rain samples at a coastal site. Atmos. Environ., 32, 3445-3455, 1998.

[14] Losno R.; Trace Metals Acting as Catalysts in a Marine Cloud: a Box Model Study. Phys. Chem. Earth (B), 24 N°3, 286-286, 1999.

[15] Desboeufs K., Losno R., Vimeux F. and Cholbi S., pH dependent dissolution of wind transported Saharan dust, J. GeoPhys. Res., 21287-21299, 1999.

[16] Monna.F, Loizeau J.L., Thomas B., Guégen C., Favarger P.Y., Losno R. and Dominik J., Noise identification and sampling frequency determination for precise Pb isotopic measurements by quadrupole-based Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Analusis, 28, 750-757, 2000.

[17] Marion T., P.E. Perros, R. Losno, E. Steiner, Ozone production efficiency in savanna and forest areas during EXPRESSO experiment, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 38, n°1, 3-30, 2001.

[18] Desboeufs K.V., Losno, R. and Colin J.L., Factors influencing aerosol solubility during cloud processes, Atmos. Environ., 35, 3529-3537, 2001.

[19] I. Munier, R. Lefèvre and R. Losno, Atmospheric factors influencing the formation of neocrystallisations on low durability glass exposed to urban atmosphere, Proc. XIX Int. Congr. Glass, Edinburgh, 1-6 July 2001 Glass Technol., 43C, 114-24, 2002.

[20] K.V. Desboeufs, R. Losno, and J.L. Colin, Figures of merit of pneumatic and ultrasonic sam-ple introduction systems in inductively coupled plasma-multichannel-based emission spec-trometry in an ultra-clean environment, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 375, 567-573, 2003.

[21] K.V. Desboeufs, R. Losno, and J.L. Colin, Relation between the droplet pH and the aerosol dissolution kinetic: Effect of the incorporated aerosol particles on the droplet pH during cloud process, J. Atmos. Chem., 46, 159-172, 2003.

[22] A.M. Sofikitis, J-L. Colin, K.V. Desboeufs and R. Losno, Iron analysis in atmospheric water samples by atomic absorption spectrmetry (AAS) in water-methanol, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 378-2, 460-464, 2004.

[23] F. Monna, C. Petit, J.-P. Guillaumet, I. Jouffroy-Bapicot, C. Blanchot, J. Dominik, R. Losno, H. Richard, J. Lévêque, and C. château, History and Environmental Impact of Mining Activity in Celtic Aeduan Territory Recorded in a Peat Bog (Morvan, France), Environ. Sci. Technol., 38(3) 665 – 673, 2004.

[24] S. Gombert, C. Raush de Traubenberg, R. Losno, S. Leblond, J.L. Colin and D. Cossa, Biomonitoring of element deposition using mosses in the 2000 French survey: Identifying sources and spatial trends, J. Atmos. Chem., 49, 479-502, 2004.

[25] K.V. Desboeufs, A. Sofikitis, R. Losno, J.L. Colin and P. Ausset, Trace metals dissolution and solubility from mineral particles, Chemosphere, 58, 195-203, 2005.

[26] G. Bartoli, C. Migon and R. Losno, Atmospheric Inputs of Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus and Silicium to the Coastal Northwestern Mediterranean Sea: Fluxes, Variability and Possible Impact on Phytoplankton Dynamics, Deep-See Research Part I, 52, 2005-2016, 2005.

[27] F. Monna, M. Poujol, R. Losno, J. Dominik, H. Annegarn and H. Coetzee, Origin of atmospheric lead in Johannesburg -South Africa-, Atmos. Environ., 40 (34), 6554-6566, 2006.

[28] F. Monna, A Puertas, F Lévêque, R Losno, G Fronteau, B Marin, J Dominik, C Petit, B Forel and C Chateau, Geochemical records of limestone façades exposed to urban atmospheric contamination as monitoring tools?, Atmos. Environ., 42, 999-1011, 2008.

[29] T. Wagener, C. Guieu, R. Losno, S. Bonnet and N. Mahowald, Revisiting atmospheric dust export to the southern hemisphere ocean: Biogeochemical implications, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 22, GB2006, doi:10.1029/2007GB002984, 2008.

[30] Natalie Mahowald, Timothy D. Jickells, Alex R. Baker, Paulo Artaxo, Claudia R. Benitez-Nelson, Gilles Bergametti, Tami C. Bond, Ying Chen, David D. Cohen, Barak Herut, Nilgun Kubilay, Remi Losno, Chao Luo, Willy Maenhaut, Kenneth A. McGee , Gregory S. Okin, Ronald L. Siefert, Seigen Tsukuda, "The global distribution of atmospheric phosphorus sources, concentrations and deposition rates and anthropogenic impacts", Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 22, GB4026, doi:101029/2008GB003240; 2008

[31] J.Y. Piquemal, R. Losno and B. Ancian (2009), "Towards 'inverse' character tables? A one-step method for decomposing reducible representations." J. Chem. Ed., 251-253.

[32] Natalie M. Mahowald, Sebastian Engelstaedter, Chao Luo, Andrea Sealy, Paulo Artaxo, Claudia Benitez-Nelson, Sophie Bonnet, Ying Chen, Patrick Y. Chuang, David D. Cohen, Francois Dulac, Barak Herut, Anne M. Johansen, Nilgun Kubilay, Remi Losno, Willy Maenhaut, Adina Paytan, Joseph M. Prospero, Lindsay M. Shank, Ronald L. Siefert (2009), "Atmospheric Iron Deposition: Global Distribution, Variability, and Human Perturbations", Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci., 2009. 1:X--X, doi: 10.1146/annurev.marine.010908.163727.

[33] Benoit Forel, Fabrice Monna, Christophe Petit, Olivier Bruguier, Rémi Losno, Pierre Fluck, Carole Bégeot, Hervé Richard, Vincent Bichet and Carmela Chateau (2010), Historical mining and smelting in the Vosges Mountains (France) recorded in two ombrotrophic peat bogs, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 107(1), pp 9-20.

[34] Arnaud Demortière, Rémi Losno, Christophe Petit and Jean-Paul Quisefit (2010), Composition Study of CoPt Bimetallic Nanocrystals of 2 nm, Anal. Bioanal. Chem.,  397(4), pp 1485-1491.

[35] Samia Mahouche, Nourredine Abbas, Tarik Matrab, Mireille Turmine, Elisabeth Bon Nguyen, Rémi Losno, Jean Pinson, Mohamed M. Chehimi (2010), Uptake of copper ions by carbon fiber/polymer hybrids prepared by tandem diazonium salt chemistry and in-situ atom transfer radical polymerization, CARBON., 48, 2106-2111.

[36] Thuroczy C.E., M. Boye, and R. Losno (2010), Dissolution of cobalt and zinc from natural and anthropogenic dusts in seawater, Biogeosciencs, 2010,  Biogeosciences7,1927-1936, doi:10.5194/ .

[37] do Nascimento Fernanda Souza, Losno Rémi, Colin Jean-Louis, de Mello William Zamboni, da Silva Heitor Evangelista (2011), "Atmospheric Total Suspended Particulate Trace Element Identification by XRF at Ilha Grande, State of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil", Water, air and soil pollution (ISSN 1573-2932), vol.214, n°1-4, pp. 525-538.

[38] A. Smirnov, B. N. Holben , D. M. Giles, I. Slutsker, N. T. O’Neill , T. F. Eck, A. Macke , P. Croot, Y. Courcoux, S. M. Sakerin, T. J. Smyth, T. Zielinski, G. Zibordi, J. I. Goes, M. J. Harvey , P. K. Quinn, N. B. Nelson , V. F. Radionov , C. M. Duarte , R. Losno, J. Sciare , K. J. Voss, S. Kinne, N. R. Nalli, E. Joseph, K. Krishna Moorthy, D. S. Covert, S. K. Gulev, G. Milinevsky, P. Larouche , S. Belanger, E. Horne, M. Chin , L. A. Remer, R. A. Kahn , J. S. Reid, M. Schulz, C. L. Heald , J. Zhang, K. Lapina, R. G. Kleidman , J. Griesfeller, B. J. Gaitley, Q. Tan, and T. L. Diehl (2011), "Maritime aerosol network as a component of AERONET – first results and comparison with global aerosol models and satellite retrievals",  Atmos. Meas. Tech.4, 583–597, 2011,

[39] Monna F., Camizuli E., Revelli P., Biville C., Thomas C., Losno R., Scheiffler R., Bruiguier O., Baron S., Chateau C., Ploquin A., Alibert P (2011). "Wild brown trout affected by historical mining in the Cévennes National Park, France",  Environmental Science & Technology, 45, 6823–6830, 2011.

[40] Massa C., V. Bichet, E. Gauthiera, B. B. Perren, O. Mathieu, C. Petit, F. Monna, J. Giraudeau, R. Losno, H. Richard (2012), "A 2500 year record of natural and anthropogenic soil erosion in South Greenland", Quaternary Science Reviews,, 32, 119-130, 2012.

[41] A. Smirnov, A. M. Sayer, B. N. Holben, N. C. Hsu, S. M. Sakerin, A. Macke, N. B. Nelson, Y. Courcoux, T. J. Smyth, P. Croot, P. K. Quinn, J. Sciare, S. K. Gulev, S. Piketh, R. Losno, S. Kinne, and V. F. Radionov (2012), "Effect of wind speed on aerosol optical depth over remote oceans, based on data from the Maritime Aerosol Network", Atmos. Meas. Tech., 5, 377–388, 2012. doi:10.5194/amt-5-377-2012 .

[42] Monna, F. , Bouchaou, L. , Rambeau, C. , Losno, R. , Bruguier, O. , Dongarrà, G. , Black, S., Chateau, C. (2012), "Lichens used as monitors of atmospheric pollution around Agadir (Southwestern Morocco) - A case study predating lead-free gasoline", Water Air & Soil Pollution, 223, 1263-1276.

[43] Louedec, Karim, Pierre Auger Collaboration and Rémi Losno (2012), "Atmospheric aerosols at the Pierre Auger Observatory and environmental implications", in Special Issue "Focus Point on Interdisciplinary Science with Cosmic Rays. Guest editors: A. Bueno, L. Wiencke", The European Physical Journal Plus, 127, 8, 97, DOI: 10.1140/epjp/i2012-12097-7.

[44] A. Heimburger, R. Losno, S. Triquet, F. Dulac and N. Mahowald (2012), Direct measurements of atmospheric iron, cobalt and aluminium-derived dust deposition at Kerguelen Islands, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26, GB4016, doi:10.1029/2012GB004301.

[45] Heimburger, A., M. Tharaud, F. Monna, R. Losno, K. Desboeufs and E. Bon Nguyen, (2013) SLRS-5 elemental concentrations of thirty-three uncertified elements deduced from SLRS-5/SLRS-4 ratios, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, doi: 10.1111/j.1751-908X.2012.00185.x.

[46] PL Morton, WM Landing, A Milne, A Aguilar-Islas, A Baker, M Baskaran, C Buck, Y Gao, S Gichuki, M Hastings, M Hatta, SC Hsu, A Johansen, C Lamborg, R Losno, C Mead, K Pahnke, M Patey, A Vandermark, A Wozniak, Lauren Zamora (2013), INTERCAL: Results from the 2008 GEOTRACES aerosol intercalibration study, Limnology and Oceanography, Methods 11, 62-78.

[47] Heimburger, A., R. Losno, S. Triquet and E. Bon Nguyen (2013), Atmospheric deposition fluxes of 26 elements over the Southern Indian Ocean: time series on Kerguelen and Crozet Islands, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 27-2, 440-449, DOI: 10.1002/gbc.20043.

[48] Delphine Yeghicheyan, Cécile Bossy, Martine Bouhnik Coz, Chantal Douchet, Guy Granier, Alexie Heimburger, Francois Lacan, Aurélie Lanzanova, Tristan CC Rousseau, Jean‐Luc Seidel, Mickaël Tharaud, Frédéric Candaudap, Jérôme Chmeleff, Christophe Cloquet, Sophie Delpoux, Marie Labatut, Rémi Losno, Catherine Pradoux, Yann Sivry, Jeroen E Sonke (2013), A Compilation of Silicon, Rare Earth Element and Twenty‐One other Trace Element Concentrations in the Natural River Water Reference Material SLRS‐5 (NRC‐CNRC), Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, Volume 37, Issue 1, pages 77–85, March 2013doi: 10.1111/j.1751-908X.2012.00185.x

[49] Khouloud Jlassi, Ajay Singh, Dinesh K Aswal, Rémi Losno, Memia Benna-Zayani, Mohamed M Chehimi, Novel (2013), ternary clay/polypyrrole/silver hybrid materials through in-situ photopolymerization, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 439, 193-199.

[50] Piraux, H. J. Hai, N.N. Serradji, P. Philippe, S. Amar, R. Losno, N.T. Ha-Duong, M. Hémadi, J.-M. El Hage Chahine (2013), Transferrin-Receptor-1 iron-Acquisition Pathway - Synthesis, Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Rapid Cellular Internalization of a Holotransferrin-Maghemite nanoparticle Construct, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, accepted in revision, 2013.

[51] Alexie Heimburger, Rémi Losno and Sylvain Triquet (2013), Solubility of iron and other trace elements over the Southern Indian Ocean, Biogeoscience, 6617-6628, doi:10.5194/bg-10-6617-2013.

[52] Camizuli E., F. Monna, A. Bermond, N. Manouchehri, S. Besançon, R. Losno, F. van Oort, J. Labanowski, A. Pereira, C. Chateau and P. Alibert (2014), Impact of historical mining assessed in soils by kinetic extraction and lead isotopic ratios, Science of the Total Environment, 472, 425-436.

[53] Lars-Eric Heimburger, Christophe Migon, Remi Losno, Juan-Carlos Miquel, Benoit Thibodeau, Marion Stabholz, Aurelie Dufour and Nathalie Leblond, (2014), Vertical export flux of metals in the Mediterranean Sea, Deap Sea Research, Oceanographic Research Papers 87, 14-23.

[54] Kahina Aït Atmane, Carine Michel, Jean-Yves Piquemal, Philippe Sautet, Patricia Beaunier, Marion Giraud, Mickaël Sicard, Sophie Nowak, Rémi Losno and Guillaume Viau (2014), Control of the anisotropic shape of cobalt nanorods in the liquid phase: from experiment to theory and back, Nanoscale, 2682-2692.

[55] Camizuli E., F. Monna, R. Scheifler, P. Amiotte-Suchet, Remi Losno, P. Beis, B. Bohard, C. Chateau and P. Alibert (2014), Impact of trace metals from past mining on the aquatic ecosystem: A multi-proxy approach in the Morvan (France), Environ. Res., 134, 410-419, 2014.

[56] Varrica D., E. Tamburo, N. Milia, E. Vallascas, V. Cortimiglia, G. De Giudici, G. Dongarrà, E. Sanna, F. Monna and Remi Losno (2014), Metals and metalloids in hair samples of children living near the abandoned mine sites of Sulcis-Inglesiente (Sardinia, Italy), Environmental Res., 134, 366-374.

[57] Aghnatios C., Remi Losno, F. Dulac (2014), A fine fraction of soil used as an aerosol analogue during the DUNE experiment: sequential solubility in water with step-by-step decreasing pH, Biogeosciences, 11, 4627-4633.

[58] Laurent, B., R. Losno, S. Chevaillier, J. Vincent, P. Roullet, E. Bon Nguyen, N. Ouboulmane1, S. Triquet, M. Fornier, P. Raimbault and G. Bergametti, An automatic collector to monitor insoluble atmospheric deposition: An application for mineral dust deposition, CHemistry and AeRosols Mediterranean EXperiments (ChArMEx) (ACP/AMT Inter-Journal SI), 2015.

[59] Charly Massa, Fabrice Monna, Vincent Bichet, Émilie Gauthier, Rémi Losno, et al.. Inverse modeling of past lead atmospheric deposition in South Greenland. Atmospheric environment, Elsevier, 2015, 105, pp.121-129. ⟨10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.01.025⟩. ⟨hal-01119230⟩

[60]  Vincent, J., Laurent, B., Losno, R., Bon Nguyen, E., Roullet, P., Sauvage, S., Chevaillier, S., Coddeville, P., Ouboulmane, N., di Sarra, A. G., Tovar-Sánchez, A., Sferlazzo, D., Massanet, A., Triquet, S., Morales Baquero, R., Fornier, M., Coursier, C., Desboeufs, K., Dulac, F., and Bergametti, G.: Variability of mineral dust deposition in the western Mediterranean basin and south-east of France, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 8749–8766,, 2016. 

[61] Pasquet, C., Gunkel-Grillon, P., Laporte-Magoni, C. et al. Alternative dry separation of PM10 from soils for characterization by kinetic extraction: example of new Caledonian mining soils. Environ Sci Pollut Res 23, 25105–25113 (2016).

[62] Pasquet, C., Le Monier, P., Monna, F. et al. Impact of nickel mining in New Caledonia assessed by compositional data analysis of lichens. SpringerPlus 5, 2022 (2016).


A.3 Other publications and conference proceedings (24)


Masclet P., P. Pistikopoulos, G. Bergametti, G. Mouvier and R. Losno; Determination by PAH analysis of the age of air mass contamination in area remote from sources of pollution. in Physicochemical behaviour of atmospheric pollutants, D.Reidel publishing company, pp 588-595, 1986.


Bergametti G., Buat-Ménard P., Chatenet B., Dutot A.L., Losno R. et Remoudaki E.; Atmospheric transport and deposition of trace elements to the Western Mediterranean Sea, in "Airbone Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea", Report and proceeding of a WMO-UNEP workshop, 141-149, Map technical series N°31, UNEP, Athène 1989.


Losno R., Carlier P., Remoudaki E. et Bergametti G.; Concentration and sources of trace elements over the Atlantic Ocean. in Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants, Restelli and Angeletti eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 711- 716, 1990.


Remoudaki E., Bergametti G., Losno R., Chatenet B. et Mouvier G.; Temporal variability of atmospheric Pb, Cu and Mn concentrations and fluxes over the Western Mediterranean Sea. in Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants, Restelli and Angeletti eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 141-169, 1990.


Marticorena B., A. Youssfi, R. Losno and G. Mouvier; Wavelet transform of atmospheric particulate matter concentration. Proceedings of Geophysics and Environment: Background air pollution, Bolletino Geofisico, XV, N°5, 107-120, 1992.


Dulac, F., Bergametti, G., Losno, R., Remoudaki, E., Ezat, U., and Buat-Ménard, P.; Dry deposition of mineral aerosol particles in the marine atmosphere: Significance of the large size fraction, in Precipitation Scavenging and Atmosphere-Surface Exchange, edited by: Schwartz, S. E. and Slinn, W. G. N., Hemisphere, Richland, Wa., 2, 841–854, 1992.


Schulz M., Dannecker W., Church T., Colin J.L., Haster T., Leermakers M., Losno R., Meulemann C., and Spokes L.; Intercomparison of rain sampling at Mace Head/Ireland. Annales Geophysicae, Suppl. II to Vol 10, 1992.


Kanakidou M., Poisson N., Lattuati M., Aumont B., Beekmann M., Bey I., Behra P., Chaumerliac N., Grégoire P., Hauglustaine D., Huret N., Losno R., Maalez A., Martin D., Martinerie P., Mercier P., Pham M., Pirre M., Ramaroson R. et K. Suhre, Comparaison entre 11 modèles utilisés en France pour la description de la chimie troposphérique, Atelier de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère, Toulouse, 283-283, volume II, 28-30 novembre 1995.


Losno R. et P. Behra, Influence des métaux de transition sur la composition chimique des nuages, Atelier de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère, Toulouse, 407-407, volume II, 28-30 novembre 1995.


R. Losno, Modification du préleveur d'eau nuageuse "NUAC" pour l'étude des traces, Atelier "Expérimentation et instrumentation", Toulouse, 15-17 octobre 1996.


Desboeufs K. and R. Losno, The Influence of trace metals leaching from mineral atmospheric aerosols an atmospheric photochemistry, proceedings of the second Workshop of the EUROTRAC-2 Subproject CMD, APP 2, Karlsruhe, 23-25 september 1998.


Losno R. and K. Desboeufs, Modelling trace metals acting as catalysts in clouds: Multiphase chemistry in non polluted aerea, proceedings of the second Workshop of the EUROTRAC-2 Subproject CMD, APP 8, Karlsruhe, 23-25 september 1998.


K.V. Desboeufs, R. Losno and J.L. Colin, Atmospheric particle dissolution process in the cloud droplets, J. Aerosol Sci., 32 supplement 1, S273-S274, 2001.


K.V desboeufs, R. Losno and J.L. Colin, Mechanisms of physicochemical modifications of Saharan Aerosol during cloud process, Proceedings in: Physico-Chemical Behaviour of atmospheric pollutants, 17-20 septembre 2001, Torino. Electronic publication (CD-ROM).


R. Losno, K.V. Desboeufs, J. Kui and J.L. Colin, Influence of simulated sun irradiation on aerosol dissolution rate, Proceedings in: Physico-Chemical Behaviour of atmospheric pollutants, 17-20 septembre 2001, Torino. Electronic publication (CD-ROM).


A. Sofikitis, J.L. Colin, S. Costes and R. Losno, Analytical method for speciation of iron in rainwater, Proceedings in: Physico-Chemical Behaviour of atmospheric pollutants, 17-20 septembre 2001, Torino. Electronic publication (CD-ROM).


Alexandra Sofikitis, Jean Louis Colin, Karine Desboeufs and Rémi Losno, Iron dissolution rate in various minerals. EUROTRAC-2 symposium, Garmisch-Partenkirschen, march 2002, Proceedings CD-ROM.


Karine Desboeufs, Rémi Losno, and Jean-Louis Colin, Aerosol Alkalinity depends on pH. EUROTRAC-2 symposium, Garmisch-Partenkirschen, march 2002. Proceedings CD-ROM.


A.Sofikitis, J.L. Colin, K.V. Desboeufs and Rémi Losno, Experimental Simulation of Iron Cycling, in CMD2002 Proceedings, "Shaping the Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Research in Europe", R. Losno editor, Editions Paris7 Denis Diderot, ISBN:2-7442-0069-7, 135-139, septembre 2003.


J.M. Velay, K. Desboeufs, R. Losno and J.L. Colin, Aerosol dissolution enhancement by light irradiation, in CMD2002 Proceedings, "Shaping the Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Research in Europe", R. Losno editor, Editions Paris7 Denis Diderot, ISBN:2-7442-0069-7, 141-143, septembre 2003.


S. Gombert, R. Losno, S. Leblond and C. Rausch de Traubenberg, French spatial distribution of lead (Pb) and iron (Fe) using mosses as biomonitors, J. Phys. IV France, 107, 553-556, 2003.


S. Leblond, J.L. Colin, R. Losno and C. Rausch de Trautenberg, Monitoring of trace element concentrations in mosses and deposition fluxes during one year in a French rural area, J. Phys. IV, France, 107, 749-752, 2003.


Sophie Veschambre, Mariella Moldovan, David Amouroux, Jesus Miguel Santamaria Ulecia, Bruno Benech, André Etchelecou, Rémi Losno, Olivier F.-X. Donard, Pauline Pinel-Raffaitin (2008), "Apports atmosphériques des éléments traces métalliques dans la vallée d¿Aspe et le tunnel du Somport (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France):niveau de contamination et évaluation des sources d¿émissions"; "Import of atmospheric trace metal elements in the Aspe valley and Somport tunnel (Pyrénées Atlantiques, France): level of contamination and evaluation of emission sources", Poll. Atmos., 198 199, 215-234.


J. L. Colin, R. Losno, N. Le Bris, M. Tisserant, I. Vassali, S. Madec, S. Cholbi, F. Vimeux, G. Bergametti, H. Cachier, C. Liousse, J. Ducret, B. Lim, M. H. Pertuisot, P. Buat Menard, T. Jickells, L. Spokes, G. Jennings, Michael Schulz, A. Rebers, W. Maenhaut, F. Francois, R. V. Grieken, J. Injuk, Aerosol and Rain Chemistry in the Marine Environment, in Exchange and Transport of Air Pollutants over Complex Terrain and the Sea, Transport and Chemical Transformation of Pollutants in the Troposphere, ISBN 978-3-642-63160-3, pp 65-79, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-57252-4₈, Springer Berlin, 2010.


 Marques Junior, N Aguinaldo, Douglas P Panetto, Fernando Lamego, Felipe O Nepomuceno, Fabrice Monna, Remi Losno, Rodrigue Guillon (2018), Tracking atmospheric dispersion of metals in Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan region (Brazil) with epiphytes as bioindicators, Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 90 (3), 2991-3005.


A.4 Communications and posters at international conventions (90)

Losno R., G. Bergametti and P. Buat-Ménard, The solubility of zinc, lead and manganese in Western Mediterranean rain water., International Conference on Global and Regional Environmental Atmospheric Chemistry, Pekin, 3-10 mai 1989.

Remoudaki E., R. Losno, G. Bergametti and P. Buat-Ménard, Source, transport and deposition of lead in the Mediterranean atmosphere. International conference on Aerosols and Background Pollution, Galway, juin 1989.

Losno R., P. Carlier and G. Bergametti, Concentration Profiles of trace elements over the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean: Anthropogenic and Natural Contribution. International conference on Aerosols and Background Pollution, Galway, juin 1989.

Losno, G. Bergametti, P. Carlier and G. Mouvier, Ionic Balances in marine rainwater with a special emphasis on sources of alkaline and acidic species, International Conference on Aerosols and Background pollution, Galway, 13-15 juin 1989 (Poster).

Losno, P. Carlier, E. Remoudaki and G. Bergametti, Concentration and sources of trace elements over the atlantic ocean, International Conference on Aerosols and Background pollution, Galway, 13-15 juin 1989 (Poster).

Losno R., G. Bergametti, J.L. Colin and P. Buat-Ménard; Partitioning of trace metals in Mediterranean rainwater, Eurotrac/ASE Meeting, Bordeaux, 23-25 novembre 1989.

Jickells T.D., B. Lim, X. Zhu, J. Prospero, R. Losno and G. Bergametti, Particulate and dissolved trace metal distribution in North Atlantic Precipitations, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 4-8 décembre 1989.

Bergametti G., E. Remoudaki, R. Losno, E. Steiner and P. Buat-Ménard, Source, transport and deposition of atmospheric particulate phosphorus over the Western Mediterranean sea. VII CACGP Symposium on Chemistry of the Global Atmosphere, Champrousse, 5-11 septembre 1990.

Losno R., J.L. Colin, N. Le Bris, B. Chatenet, G. Bergametti, T.D. Jickells and B. Lim, Chemistry of the dissoltion of atmospheric Al and Fe in marine rainwaters. VII CACGP Symposium on Chemistry of the Global Atmosphere, Champrousse, 5-11 septembre 1990.

Dulac F., G. Bergametti, R. Losno, E. Remoudaki, L. Gomes, U. Ezat and P. Buat-Ménard, Dry deposition of aerosol particles in the marine atmosphere: a critical evaluation of current field and modeling approaches, 5th International Conference on Precipitation Scavenging and Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Processes, Richland (USA), 15-19 juillet 1991 (Poster).

Donard O.F.X., C.R. Quétel, F. Grousset, R. Losno and J.L. Colin; Determination of trace metals in rain waters by ICP/MS and biogeochemical implications. European Geophysical Society, XVII General Assembly, Edinburgh , 6-10 April 1992.

Schulz, W. Dannecker, T. Church, J.L. Colin, T. Hasler, M. Leermakers, R. Losno, C. Meulemann and L. Spokes, Intercomparison of rain sampling at Mace Head, 17th EGS Assembly, Edimbourg, 6-10 April 1992 (Poster).

Le Bris, J.L. Colin, R. Losno and B. Chatenet, Dissolved-particulate distribution of iron and manganese in remote marine rain samples, 17th EGS Assembly, Edimbourg, 6-10 April 1992 (Poster).

Marticorena B., A.Youssfi, R. Losno and G. Mouvier, Wavelet Transform of Atmospheric Particulate Matter Concentration. Geophysics and environment: Background air pollution, Rome, 16-18 juin 1992.

Losno and J.L. Colin; Influence of sea-salts and marine spray on marine rainwater sampling. Eurotrac/ASE MaceHead and Nose Meeting, Paris, 13-15 octobre 1992.

Vassalli, R. Losno and J.L. Colin, Ligands in rainwater. Eurotrac/ASE meeting, Arcachon, 25-29 octobre 1993.

Colin J.L., N. Le Bris, B. Lim, M.Tisserant and R. Losno, Heterogenous chemistry in marine atmosphere, A.S.E. Workshop on Air-Sea Exchange, Arcachon, 25-29 Octobre 1993.

Losno R. and J.L. Colin; Organic ligands in the atmosphere. Measurements on the field of Porspoder in March 1994. A.S.E. Workshop on Air-Sea Exchange, Riso, Roskilde (Dannemark), 19-22 October 1994.

J.P. Quisefit, R. Losno and S. Garivait, Quantitatives analyses of biomass burning residues by X‑ray fluorescence and ionic chromatography, DC" 94 MONTREUX 2nd SAS, Montreux, 1994.

Losno, S.Loyaux, A.L.Devillard and J.L.Colin, Anions in marine rain waters. A.S.E. Workshop on Air-Sea Exchange, Mayence, 1-5 novembre 1995.

Losno R., S.Cholbi and J.L.Colin; pH dependence of dissolution rates of iron and manganese-Preliminary results. A.S.E. Workshop on Air-Sea Exchange, Mayence, 1-5 novembre 1995.

Colin J.L., Bergametti G. and Losno R., Mechanisms and modelling of sea-air exchange of trace metals : solubility of trace metals. Conférence invitée au Workshop on Sea-Air Exchange: processes and modeling, Oslo, 11-13 juin1997.

Losno R., A model describing trace metals acting as catalyst in a marine cloud, EGS plenary assembly, Nice, 20-24 avril 1998.

Dulac F., D. Filippi, H. Cachier, U. Ezat, J.C. Le roulley, D. Paronis, P. Chazette, E. Hamonou, N. Mihalopoulos, G. Kouvarakis, A. Gaudichet, S. Caquineau, R. Losno, G. Malingre, J.P. Quisefit, F. Albers, M. Wirth and M. Krautstrunk, Characterization of tropospheric aerosols in the eastern Mediterranean from airborne and other measurements during the June 1997 STAAARTE campaign, EGS plenary assembly, Nice, 20-24 avril 1998.

Desboeufs K. and R. Losno, The Influence of trace metals leaching from mineral atmospheric aerosols an atmospheric photochemistry, Second Workshop of the EUROTRAC-2 Subproject CMD, Karlsruhe, 23-25 septembre 1998.

Losno R. and K. Desboeufs, Modelling Trace metals as catalysts in clouds: multiphase chemistry in non polluted area, Second Workshop of the EUROTRAC-2 Subproject CMD, Karlsruhe, 23-25 septembre 1998 (Poster).

Losno, K. Desboeufs, S. Costes, J.L. Colin and J.P. Quisefit, The use of ICP-AES for the determination of trace levels below ppb in environmental samples, European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Pau, 10-15 janvier 1999 (Poster).

Desboeufs, Losno R. and Colin J.L. Evolution of aerosol mineral solubility during cloud process and its impact on aerosol surface, IGAC conference, Bologne, 13-18 septembre 1999 (Poster).

Losno, Colin J.L., Perros P. and Pereira S., Hydrogen peroxide variations at Mace-Head (Ireland) and Porspoder (Brittany), IGAC conference, Bologne, 13-18 septembre 1999 (Poster).

Losno and Desboeufs K., Trace Metals Supply and Acid-Base Reactions in Cloud and Rain Water, Third Workshop of the EUROTRAC-2 Subproject CMD, Aachen, 21-23 septembre 1999.

Losno, K. Desboeufs and J.L. Colin, Dissolved Transition Metals Affecting Atmospheric Chemistry, EGS plenary assembly, Nice, 25-29 avril 2000.

K.V. Desboeufs, R. Losno and J.L. Colin, Atmospheric particle dissolution process in the cloud droplets, EAC 2001, Leipzig, 3-7 septembre 2001.

K.V desboeufs, R. Losno and J.L. Colin, Mechanisms of physicochemical modifications of Saharan Aerosol during cloud process, Physico-Chemical Behaviour of atmospheric pollutants, 17-20 septembre 2001, Torino.

Losno, K.V. Desboeufs, J. Kui and J.L. Colin, Influence of simulated sun irradiation on aerosol dissolution rate, Physico-Chemical Behaviour of atmospheric pollutants, 17-20 septembre 2001, Torino.

Sofikitis, J.L. Colin, S. Costes and R. Losno, Analytical method for speciation of iron in rainwater, Physico-Chemical Behaviour of atmospheric pollutants, 17-20 septembre 2001, Torino.

Alexandra Sofikitis, Jean Louis Colin, Karine Desboeufs and Rémi Losno, Iron dissolution rate in various minerals. EUROTRAC-2 symposium, Garmisch-Partenkirschen, march 2002, poster.

Karine Desboeufs, Rémi Losno, and Jean-Louis Colin, Aerosol Alkalinity depends on pH. EUROTRAC-2 symposium, Garmisch-Partenkirschen, march 2002. Poster.

Jean-Michel Velay, Karine Desboeufs, Rémi Losno and Jean-Louis Colin, Aerosol dissolution enhancement by light irradiation. EUROTRAC-2 CMD meeting, 9-11 sptembre 2002, Paris.

Alexandra Sofikitis, Jean Louis Colin, Karine V.Desboeufs and Rémi Losno, Experimental Simulation of Iron Cycling. EUROTRAC-2 CMD meeting, 9-11 sptembre 2002, Paris.

Losno, R., Gombert, S., Colin, J.L., Leblond, S. & Rausch de Traunbenberg, C.,(2002). French spatial estimation of trace metal deposition using moss as biomonitor. Joint CACGP/IGAC 2002 international symposium, Atmospheric chemistry within the earth system: from regional pollution to global change, 18-25 September 2002, Creta Maris, Hersonissos. Poster.

Dulac, P. Chazette, C. Moulin, U. Ezat, J.-F. Leon, M. Kanakidou, N. Mihalopoulos, G. Kouvarakis, I. Kavouras, E. Stephanou, I. Chiapello, M. Legrand, O. Pancrati, R. Losno, J.-P. Quisefit, G. Malingre, Overview of observational results from the Mediterranean Dust Experiment (MEDUSE) and correlative measurements, Joint CACGP/IGAC 2002 international symposium, Atmospheric chemistry within the earth system: from regional pollution to global change, 18-25 September 2002, Creta Maris, Hersonissos. Poster.

Monna, F.; Petit, C.; Guillaumet, J.-P.; Jouffroy, I.; Blanchot, C.; Dominik, J.; Losno, R.; Richard, H.; Lévêque, J. A history of mining activity in Celtic Aeduan territory, and its environmental impact (Morvan, France), EGS-EGU join assembly, Nice, Avril 2003.

Sofikitis, A.M.; Colin, J.L.; Desboeufs, K.V.; Losno, R., Cloud iron speciation: Experimental simulations, EGS-EGU join assembly, Nice, Avril 2003.

Gombert, S.; Leblond, S.; Losno, R.; Rausch de Traubenberg, C.; Costes, S.; Colin, J.L. Moss as bio-indicator of long term pollution spread, EGS-EGU join assembly, Nice, Avril 2003.

Coetzee, H., Monna, F., Manton, W. I., Poujol, M., Rademeyer, M., Losno, R. and Annegarn, H. (2004), Lead isotopes in the Gauteng environment. Geoscience Africa 2004, Johanneburg, 12-16 July 2004, South Africa.

Desboeufs, K, Sofikitis, A, Velay, J , Losno, R , Dulac, F , and Colin, J, Experimentation and modelling of mineral aerosol dissolution as source of transition metals in cloud droplets, San Francisco, AGU fall meeting, 13-17 décembre 2004.

J.M. Velay, R. Losno, K.V. Desboeufs, and J.L. Colin, Impact of phot-redox chemistry on dust dissolution in cloud dropplets, EGU General Assembly, Vienne, 24-29 avril 2005.

Wagener, R. Losno, C. Guieu and Bonnet S., Atmospheric Iron in low Dust Deposition Areas, AGU/ASLO Ocean Science Meeting, Honolulu, 20-24 février 2006.

Losno, T. Wagener, F. Dulac, C. Guieu, S. Triquet, S. Bonnet and J.L. Colin, Dust Over Remote Marine Areas in the South Hemisphere, AGU/ASLO Ocean Science Meeting, Honolulu, 20-24 février 2006.

Dulac, R. Losno, G. Bergametti, S. Triquet, T. Wagener, C. Guieu and Lebouvier M., Is Kerguelen's Desert a Significant Source of Dissolved Iron to the Downwind Surface Ocean?, AGU/ASLO Ocean Science Meeting, Honolulu, 20-24 février 2006.

J.M. Velay, R. Losno, K.V. Desboeufs, and J.L. Colin, Atmospheric photochemistry influence on dust, EGU General Assembly, Vienne, 2-7 avril 2006.

Jean-Louis Colin, Sébastien Leblond, Rémi Losno, Elisabeth Bon-nguyen, Sylvain Triquet, Sandrine Gombert and Catherine Rausch de Traubenberg, Atmospheric metal deposition in a rural area (Vouzon, France): a multi disciplinary approach coupling direct atmospheric fallout measurements with moss bioaccumulation, Joint IGAC/CACGP/SOLAS/WMO Symposium: Atmospheric Chemistry at the interfaces, Cape Town, South Africa, 17-23 September 2006.

Losno et al., SOLAS France, SOLAS Open Science Conference, Xiamen, China, 6-9 mars 2007.

Losno, C. Aghnatios, J.M. Velay C. Migon, and J.L. Colin, Dissolution of natural aerosol and photochemically actived dust, SOLAS Open Science Conference, Xiamen, China, 6-9 mars 2007.

Losno, T. Wagener, F. Dulac, C. Guieu, S. Triquet and J.L. Colin, Dust size measurement over Austral Ocean, SOLAS Open Science Conference, Xiamen, China, 6-9 mars 2007.

Dulac, R. Losno, G. Bergametti, T. Wagener, C. Guieu, M. Lebouvier, Example of Aeolian erosion in a South-Mid latitude desert: Kerguelen Island (49°S, 70°E), Multidisciplinary Workshop on Southern South American Dust Puerto Madryn, Argentina, 3-5 Oct. 2007.

J.L. Colin, S. Triquet and R. Losno, 5 years of Hg and Pb deposition measurements in a rural and urban site in France, IGAC 10th conference, Annecy, 7-12 Septembre 2008.

Losno , F. Dulac, S. Triquet and J.L. Colin, Summer time dust and mercury deposition at Kerguelen Island, IGAC 10th conference, Annecy, 7-12 Septembre 2008.

Losno, S. Triquet, S. Lafon, A. Heimburger, F. Dulac, F. Montoya and A. Demaret, Deposition of trace metals and metalloids on kerguelen island the FLATOCOA program, SOLAS OSC, Barcelone, 16-15 novembre 2009.

Losno, E. Landrieux, E. Journet, M. Le brun and A. Demaret, Aerosol and liquid water transfer in a cross-flow cooling tower of a nuclear power plant, 14th IAHR Cooling Tower and Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 1-3 December, 2009.

Losno, S. Triquet, Sandra Lafon, Alexie Heimburger, Francois Dulac, Florent Montoya and Alain Demaret, Atmospheric transport to Kerguelen and the South Indian Ocean - One year of measurements, AGU OS – Portland (OR) 22-26 February 2010 (GEOTRACES IPY session).

A Colomb, R Paris, R Losno, K Desboeufs and C Provost, Continental background in oceanic air masses and marine emission of Volatile Organic Compounds in Drake Passage, EGU General Assembly 2010, held 2-7 May, 2010 Vienna, Austria.

Dulac François, , Desboeufs Karine, Bon Nguyen Elizabeth, Tran Sophie, Losno Rémi, Chevaillier Servanne, Guieu Cécile, Leblond Nathalie, Labiadh Mohamed, A method to produce large amounts of mineral dust for controlled in situ experiments on the marine biogeochemical impact of atmospheric depositio, 2011 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, San Juan de Porto Rico, 14-18 février 2011.

Heimburger, A., Losno, R. and Dulac, F, Atmospheric deposition of trace elements over the South Indian ocean: a time series at kerguelen islands, 2011 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, San Juan de Porto Rico, 14-18 février 2011.

Losno and G. Bergametti, Aerosol at Auger Laboratory and its environmental implication: discussion around a collaborative project, IS@AO Workshop, Cambridge 18th—19th April 2011.

Triquet, E. Bon Nguyen, A. Heimburger and R. Losno, Remote atmosphere sampling and storage for mercury and very low level trace metals. SOLAS Open Science Conference Cle Elum (WA, USA), 7 to 10 May 2012.

Losno, E. Quel, J. Salvador, F. Monna, S. Lafon, P. Ristori, A. Heimburger, D. Bulnes, Z. Qu, L. Otero, A. Quesne, Y. Balkanski, S. Triquet, E. Journet, P. Ausset, D. Ruiz-Pino and G. Bergametti, Dust Emission from Patagonia (DFP). SOLAS Open Science Conference Cle Elum (WA, USA), 7 to 10 May 2012.

Heimburger, R. Losno, F. Dulac and N. Mahowald, Atmospheric deposition of trace elements over the Southern Indian Ocean: a time series at Kerguelen and Crozet islands. SOLAS Open Science Conference Cle Elum (WA, USA), 7 to 10 May 2012.

Camizuli, F. Monna, C. Gourault, P. Alibert, A. Bermond, F. Cattin, G. Hamm, J. Labanowski, R. Losno, R. Scheifler and Folkert Van Oort, Trace Metal Levels in Terrestrial Ecosystem: What Relation to Ancient Mining Activities in the Morvan (Burgundy, France)? 39th International Symposium on Archaeometry, 28 May - 1 June 2012, Leuven, Belgium.

Camizuli, E., Monna, F., Jouffroy-Bapicot, I., Cattin, F., Scheifler, R., Gourault, C., Guillaumet, J.-P., Petit, C., Hamm, G., Losno, R., Labanowski, J., van Oort, F., Alibert, P. (2012) Ancient mining near the Bibracte oppidum and its nowadays impact on ecosystems: A multidisciplinary approach. 2nd Mining in European History-Conference, November, 7th – 10th, 2012. Innsbruck

Camizuli, E., Monna, F., Scheifler, R., Gourault, C., Hamm, G., Losno, R., Lachiche, C., Delivet, G., Alibert, P. (2012) Bioaccumulation of trace metals deriving from historical mining in wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus). SETAC Asia/Pacific, 24-27 Septembre, Kamamuto, Japon.

Losno, Transfer of micro-pollutants in air and water, KARIM Eco Toxicity Open Forum, Paris, March 30th 2012 (invited).

François Dulac, José B Nicolas, Jean Sciare, Marc Mallet, Jean-François Léon, Véronique Pont, Michaël Sicard, Jean-Baptiste Renard, Pierre Nabat, Laaziz El Amraoui, Elodie Jaumouillé, Greg Roberts, Jean-Luc Attié, Samuel Somot, Benoît Laurent, Rémi Losno, Julie Vincent, Paola Formenti, Gilles Bergametti, François Ravetta, The summer 2012 Saharan dust season in the western Mediterranean with focus on the intense event of late June during the Pre-ChArMEx campaign, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, Vienna (Austria) 7-12 April 2013.

Otero L.A., R. Losno, J. O. Salvador, E. Journet, Z. Qu, S. Triquet, F. Monna, Y. Balkanski, D. Bulnes, P. R. Ristori, E. J. Quel, Ground level and Lidar monitoring of volcanic dust and dust from Patagonia, AGU meeting of the Americas, Cancun Mexico, 14-17 may 2013.

Balkanski, R. Losno and E. Journet, Mineral Dust from Patagonia plays an important role in the amount of atmospheric dust transported in the Southern Hemisphere, AtmoHEAD: Atmospheric Monitoring foHigh-Energy Astroparticle Detectors conference, Saclay, 10-12 juin 2013. (O)

Alexie Heimburger, Remi Losno, Sylvain Triquet, and Elisabeth Bon Nguyen, Atmospheric deposition fluxes and solubility over the Southern Indian Ocean: time series on Kerguelen and Crozet Islands. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 07–12 April 2013, (O).

Julie Vincent, Benoit Laurent, Gilles Bergmatti, Rémi Losno, Elisabeth Bon Nguyen, Servanne Chevaillier, Pierre Roulet, Stéphane Sauvage, Patrice Coddeville, Noura Ouboulmane, Guillaume Siour, Antonio Tovar Sanchez, Ana Massanet, Rafael Morales Baquero, Giogio Di Sarra, Damiano Sferlazzo, François Dulac, Michel Fornier, and Cyril Coursier: Mineral dust deposition in Western Mediterranean basin, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 30 April 2014.

Roulin Khondoker, Dominik Weiss, Tina Van De Flierdt, Mark Rehkämper, Alex Baker, Rosie Chance, Stanislav Strekopytov, Emma Williams, Pedro Cid-Agüero, Patricia Smichowski, Marly Babinski, Rémi Losno, Aloys Bory, Viviane Bout-Roumazeilles, Assessing the Geochemistry of Aerosols in the South Atlantic Ocean along the 40° S Transect using Pb And Nd Isotopes and REE and select Trace Elements, DUST 2014, Castellaneta Marina (Italy), 1-6 juin 2014.

Zihan Qu, Remi Losno, Fabrice Monna, Mathilde Vaillant, Jean Paul Quisefit, Emilie Journet, A Mbroise Quesne, Alexie Heimburger, Jacobo Salvador, Daniela Bulnes, Pablo Ristori and Eduardo Jaime Quel, Spatial and temporal variations of dust elemental composition in Patagonia, Goldschmidt conference, 8-13 juin 2014, Sacramento.

Losno, A. Heimburger, Z. Qu, E. Journet, F. Monna, E. Quel, P. Ristori, J. Salvador, L. Otero, A. Cogez, J. Gaillardet, L. Meynadier, E. Viollier and Y. Balkanski, Dust From Patagonia to Kerguelen, SOLAS OSCC, 7-11 September 2015, Kiel (Germany).

Losno & E. Journet, Nutrients supply to Southern Ocean Surface, SOLAS OSCC, 7-11 September 2015, Kiel (Germany).

Losno, A. Heimburger, Z. Qu, E. Journet, F. Monna, E. Quel, P. Ristori, J. Salvador, L. Otero, A. Cogez, J. Gaillardet, L. Meynadier, E. Viollier and Y. Balkanski,, Dust From Patagonia to Southern Indian Ocean, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, 14-18 décembre 2015.

Verney-Carron A, Sessegolo L, Saheb M, Ausset P, Losno R, Mangin D & Valle N, Si Isotopes to Investigate Mechanisms and Kinetics of Glass Alteration, Goldschmidt Conference, Yokohama, 26 June- 1 July 2016.

Xu Y, Losno R, Dessert C, Monna F, Robert V & Chane-Teng J , Compositional Analysis of Saharan Dust Input to Guadeloupe (FWI), Goldschmidt Conferences, Paris 13-18 August 2017.

Heimburger & R. Losno, Atmospheric deposition fluxes derived from air concentration measurements over Southern Ocean are strongly underestimated: why direct deposition measurement is necessary. Goldschmidt Conferences, Paris 13-18 août 2017.

Losno, A. M.F. Heimburger, F. Monna and A. Cogez, Rees, Lead And Neodymium Isotopes: Source Tracking Of Atmospheric Deposition On Southern Indian Ocean, ASLO conferences, Portland 11-16 fevrier 2018.

Yangjunjie Xu, Rémi Losno, Céline Dessert, Fabrice Monna, Vincent Robert, Jessica Chane-Teng, Saharan dust input to North Tropical Atlantic Islands, AGU, Washington D.C., 10-14 décembre 2018.

Losno, A. Heimburger, A. Cogez, F. Monna, N.M. Mahowald, D.S. Hamilton, Patagonian and Southern African Origin of Dust Deposition over Southern Indian Ocean, AGU, Washington D.C., 10-14 décembre 2018.

Xu Y, Dessert C, Losno R, Monna F, Robert V, Chane-Teng J & Boyer M, Saharan Dust Inputs to Western North Atlantic Ocean with Three Years Time Series, Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, 2019.

F Girault, P Agrinier, R Losno, C France-Lanord, F Prévot, R Freydier..., Hot springs disturbances induced by the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal , AGU Fall Meeting 2019.

A.5 Communications at National Conventions (21)

Losno R.; Application de la fluorescence X à l'analyse d'aérosols atmosphériques. Journée du G.A.M.S. du 2 février 1987 sur la fluorescence X, Paris.

Losno R.; Analyse de traces en absorption atomique. Méthodes de décontamination et de non contamination. Application à l'étude de précipitations. Journée du G.A.M.S. du 20 octobre 1988 sur l'absorption atomique sans flamme, Paris.

Dulac F., Gomes L., Losno R., Steiner E. et Ezat U.; Distribution granulométrique d'aérosols mesurée à l'aide d'impacteurs en cascade: procédure statistique de déconvolution des spectres et de correction des effets de rebond des particules, Paris, 7ème journées COFERA du GAMS, 28 novembre 1990.

Quétel C.R., O.F.X. Donard, F. Grousset, R. Losno and J.L. Colin; Application de l'ICP/MS à l'étude de signatures géochimiques métalliques en ultra-trace dans l'environnement, European Meeting on Mass Spectrometry, Metz, 22-24 Septembre 1992.

Kanakidou M., Poisson N., Lattuati M., Aumont B., Beekmann M., Bey I., Behra P., Chaumerliac N., Grégoire P., Hauglustaine D., Huret N., Losno R., Maalez A., Martin D., Martinerie P., Mercier P., Pham M., Pirre M., Ramaroson R. et K. Suhre, Comparaison entre 11 modèles utilisés en France pour la description de la chimie troposphérique, Atelier de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère, Toulouse, 28-30 novembre 1995.

Losno R. et Behra P.; Influence des métaux de transition sur la composition chimique des nuages. Atelier de Modélisation de l'Atmosphère, Toulouse, 28-30 novembre 1995.

Losno et G. Malingre, Modification du préleveur d'eau nuageuse "NUAC" pour l'étude des traces, Atelier "Expérimentation et instrumentation", Toulouse, 15-17 octobre 1996 (Poster).

Monna F., Petit C., Guillaumet J.P., Jouffroy I., Blanchot C., Dominik J., Losno R., Richard H. and Levesque J., A history of mining activity in celtic Aedaun territory and its environmental impact (Morvan-France), Réunion plenière du GDR ChimArt, Paris, 3 décembre 2004 (Poster).

Losno, C. Guieu, F. Dulac, S. Triquet, J.L. Colin, N. Perron et J. Sciare, Approche du suivi du cycle atmosphérique des métaux dans l'océan austral, Deuxieme journée scientifique du comité national francais des recherches arctiques et antarctiques (CNFRA), Paris, 4-5 octobre 2005.

Losno, D. Ruiz-Pino et F. Dulac, Impact des poussières en provenance de patagonie, le projet PATAGONIA, SOLAS-France, Paris 11-12 septembre 2007.

Sylvain Triquet et Rémi Losno (Oral), Mesure du flux de retombées atmosphériques en mercure: validation de la collecte et de la conservation, Spectr'Atom, Pau, 11-14 mai 2009 (invité).

Losno, S. Triquet, F. Montoya, A. Demaret et F. Dulac, FLATOCOA: Flux de particules atmosphériques d'origine continentale au dessus de l'Océan Austral, IMBER-SOLAS-France, Paris, 22-23 juin 2009.

Heimburger, R. Losno, S. Triquet, E. Bon and A. Perot, Dust deposition over South Ocean measured at Crozet an Kerguelen Island. SOLAS-IGAC-France, 29-30 juin 2011, Paris.

Losno, S. Triquet, E. Bon, A.S. Chevallier, and A. Heimburger, Mercury total deposition at Kerguelen Island. SOLAS-IGAC-France, 29-30 juin 2011, Paris.

Losno, Analyses de trace dans l’atmosphère: contamination et salles blanches, colloque "Isotraces", Paris, 6-8 septembre 2011 (invité).

Losno, Le flux de retombées atmosphériques de mercure: suivi sur une longue période en milieu rural Rémi Losno,Colloque DIMA Analytics, Paris, 18-19 avril 2013.

Losno., Heimburger A., Triquet S., Bon Nguyen E., Kerguelen et Crozet : deux archipels clés pour une mesure des retombées atmosphériques continentales dans l’océan austral, 9èmes journées scientifiques du CNFRA, Paris, 16-17 mai 2013.

Losno, Analyser des traces en solution par ICP: méthodes et environnement de travail, Colloque Des limites de la caractérisation élémentaire dans les matériaux aux contacts alimentaires: une contrainte scientifique et industrielle (REACH), IPGP, Paris, 25-26 Novembre 2013 (invité).

Losno, A. Heimburger, A. Cogez, F. Monna and J. Gaillardet, Signal isotopique du plomb et du néodyme et profils des terres rares dans les retombées atmosphériques de Crozet et de Kerguelen (Océan Indien Sud), SFIsotraces, 8-12 septembre 2014, Brest.

Losno, Transport de poussière minérale à partir de la Patagonie et leur dépôt sur l'océan Austral, Journées du CNFGG Aérosols, Aérosols : Des sources aux enjeux environnementaux et climatiques, Orléans, 5-7 novembre 2014.

Losno, Les exigences pour l'analyse de traces, Colloque REACH de l'association verrière de France, IPGP, Paris, 22-23 novembre 2018 (invité).